Monday, March 31, 2014

Light is corruption

Virgina Woolf wrote, in her final moments on this Earth:

"Now is life very solid or very shifting? I am haunted by the two contradictions. This has gone on forever; goes down to the bottom of the world — this moment I stand on. Also it is transitory, flying, diaphanous. I shall pass like a cloud on the waves. Perhaps it may be that though we change, one flying after another, so quick, so quick, yet we are somehow successive and continuous we human beings, and show the light through. But what is the light?"

To which I reply: light is the source of corruption. Not our eyes, not our minds, but light itself, the tool of an evil demiurge sitting in a throne on the Sun, preying on our weakness and despair. We have grown to rely on our shackles, ever afraid of the dark. But only in the dark we can hear the hum of the Universe, the true forlorn God. Sound touches things deep, while light only brushes surfaces.

Monday, March 10, 2014

The Tale of One Man Part 1

In the year of 3.433 A.D, humankind was one. Every individual became a cell of a greater organism. Science fiction authors have always looked on this possibility as a dystopic, undesirable future, projecting what they feared the Soviet Union would evolve to. It is, however, what our own society is marching towards, and I suspect it is not something to be feared, for it is inevitable.

A graphical illustration of that idea:

Nomadic men:

Nomadic men organized in clans:

Settled men:

Settled men in feudal, loose organization:

Settled men organized in nations:

What is God and what is the Devil? Part 1

God is the Unnameable Namer. The Devil is the One With Many Names.

When asked by Moses what was his name, God said: "I am". God refused to reveal his name, if he still had one. Those were his magic words. By refusing His name, He refused to be separated from everything else in the Universe, and thus He became the Universe itself.

Names are powerful chains. Were humans not to be encaged from the Universe through their names, they would be as God is: omnipresent, omniscient, almighty. God gave them light and gave them a mirror, the reflection of self, the best way of binding an unlimited mind to a limited reality. The indivisible infinity of truth is marred by mankind's fences. God retains a healthy unawareness of Himself, and thus He retains the Universe.

In His light, we see what He wants us to see. Fools have we been with our concerns about lenses and filters when it has been light itself the very source of corruption of truths.

For this God "who is" is a usurper, a man made God, some evil prophet of old who found something he should not have found, and thus are our hopes always shattered when placed upon this being who feeds on our despair and death.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Meaning of life

The Universe is almost entirely regulated by physical laws, be they known to us or not.

Life is the only force in the Universe capable of bending these rules.

To bend a rule, one must know it, not only to be governed by it unconsciously.

The purpose of life is to 1) learn the rules that govern the Universe; 2) learn how to bend them; 3) in bending them, saving the Universe from death in the future

The future will prove me right if humans prove to be the intelligent life form capable of such a feat. If not us, someone else will. Somewhere, sometime.

If there is no purpose, nothing matters; if there is a purpose and it is bad, we better ignore it; if there is a purpose and it is good, I think it is that one: to learn, to master and to preserve.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Space Attraction

It has become commonplace to begin a text with the fascination that the sky and the stars have always produced on us. It could not be different, as cradles always resonate within us; the closer to us they have been, the stronger they resonate.

Our individual cradle, our hometown, is always different from other cities; our national cradle is forever longed for when we are abroad; Africa, our cradle as human beings, exerts a strange attraction, ringing a quiet tune in the hearts of those willing to hear.

Stars are our cradle either as living beings or as matter. Though happy few have the ears to hear the music of the spheres amidst the turmoil of everyday life, it is there. Wolves howling at the Moon, lovers tracing paths between the stars, men of faith, be it faith on gods, be it faith on science, they all share the same fascination with the hum of the Universe in motion.

To gaze at the stars in a sign of sanity. Depressed, sad, angry people cannot look up to the skies, entangled in everyday trivial matters, overwhelmed by horizontal concerns. "Look at your life through Heaven's eyes"

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Lighthouse Metaphor Part 2

To be a God is to be in a lighthouse so tall and so powerful that it engulfes the entire world, or at least a huge portion of it. Many cultures see the Sun as their primary god for a reason.

As we harness more and more energy of the Sun for our purposes, we become more and more confident in the scope of the light produced by our lighthouses. It is nothing but an illusion.

We still are far from understanding everything we believe we understand because where once there was a drop in the ocean, there are now simply two, three, forty. Still far from enough.

God is an unevitable creation for minds living in a world of light and darkness, of plenty and lack. Had we been born on the bright or the dark side of the Moon, maybe we would not have gods

We would, however, be infinitely good on the bright side, the world of plenty, and infinitely evil on the dark one, the world of lack.

Even life on Earth reflects that, in the spectrum between birds and abyssal fishes. Viciousness and virtuosity do not seem to be a product of chance:

Lighthouse Metaphor Part 1

Every man is born on top of a lighthouse, and never leaves the place until the day he dies. Every lighthouse illuminates a mere fraction of the eternal night of the world.

For every man on top of a lighthouse, the whole world is nothing but that visible tract he can see. Some men are endowed with wider fields of observation, others can see farther in one direction than another. Two lighthouses never cover the same area.

Anything beyond the frail light cannot be comprehended. Misunderstanding between two people is caused by a mutual lack of ability to understand what is beyond one's own line of sight. We can only be told of what exists beyond our sight, but we never truly believe it. Millions have died in the name of sharing visions that cannot be truly shared.

Throughout the centuries, the darkness beyond the fringes of our perception has deserved at least as much words as what is illuminated within.

Utopia, Nostalgia, Dystopia and that which matters most

Utopia is the belief that the future can be perfect and that the past is the evil constraint which holds back a better future.

Nostalgia is the belief that the past was good and that the future is grim, an everchanging and unpredictable landscape of chaos.

Dystopia is the belief that the past was bad and the future will be worse: dark, full of naked buildings and tortured, wandering souls.

What is the fourth option? Realism, which consists in not caring to demonize or idolize whole chunks of time and just doing, in the present, the best that the past allows to be done.

Such an obvious truth: for every two options presented in a choice, there is always one which is slightly better than the other in the grand scheme of things. Either that or choice is but an illusion and our actions are predetermined. Either way, realism is the way to go.

Our individual movie-based godliness hates realism because it is dull and because it kills our omnipotent nerve. But even the bricks wanting out are hopelessly attached to the the wall, whether they like it or not.