Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Utopia, Nostalgia, Dystopia and that which matters most

Utopia is the belief that the future can be perfect and that the past is the evil constraint which holds back a better future.

Nostalgia is the belief that the past was good and that the future is grim, an everchanging and unpredictable landscape of chaos.

Dystopia is the belief that the past was bad and the future will be worse: dark, full of naked buildings and tortured, wandering souls.

What is the fourth option? Realism, which consists in not caring to demonize or idolize whole chunks of time and just doing, in the present, the best that the past allows to be done.

Such an obvious truth: for every two options presented in a choice, there is always one which is slightly better than the other in the grand scheme of things. Either that or choice is but an illusion and our actions are predetermined. Either way, realism is the way to go.

Our individual movie-based godliness hates realism because it is dull and because it kills our omnipotent nerve. But even the bricks wanting out are hopelessly attached to the the wall, whether they like it or not.

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